
Personal Homepage

Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Sommer

Division Director "Theory of Polymers"
+49 351 4658 750 +49 351 4658 752

Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Sommer is Division Director "Theory of Polymers" at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden e. V. (IPF).
Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Sommer is also a member of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Technische Universität Dresden and holds the chair 'Theory of Polymers at Interfaces'.

Curriculum Vitae

Fields of Research

  • Theory of soft condensed matter and polymer physics
  • Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics

Selected publications


  • J.-U. Sommer and G. Reiter (Eds.): Polymer Crystallization: Observations, Concepts and Interpretations. Lecture Notesin Physics , Vol. 606. ISBN 3-540-44342-8. Springer Verlag (2003)