

Large Molecules - Great Ideas: Fundamental and applied polymer research

Polymers enable innovative technologies. For that aim, the research program of the IPF comprises synthesis, characterization and theory of polymers as well as their processing into materials.

The institute addresses key questions in the fields of resources, health and information, together with partners in Dresden (research association DRESDEN-concept, Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life and others), within the Leibniz Association, and elsewhere. The IPF is organized in five institutes, supported by administration and technical services. Within this frame, a growing number of independent (junior) research groups is also exploring new topics and methods in flexible organizational structures.Technology transfer takes place with industrial partners and through spin-offs: Since 2015, four additional spin-offs of the IPF have emerged, active in the fields of medical technology, nanotechnology and additive manufacturing.

News Vorschaubild News

Exponate des IPF bei der Ausstellung „Dr. Zukunft“ im COSMO...!

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News Vorschaubild News

Start unserer neuen Bachelor-Studierenden!

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News Vorschaubild News

Verleihung der H.F. Mark Medaille an Herrn Professor Dr. Gert...!

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News Vorschaubild Event

Colloquium Prof. Dr. Christy F. Landes: Electrochemical...!

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The Association of Supporters of the IPF fosters cooperation between the IPF and its sponsors, friends and other organizations. It supports and honors excellent research at the institute and creates a close connection between research and industry on an international and national level.

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