

Authors Schüller, T. ; Beckert, W. ; Lauke, B. ; Ageorges, C. ; Friedrich, K.
Title Single fibre transverse debonding: stress analysis of the Broutman test
Date 02.11.2000
Number 8711
Abstract The paper presents an extended analytical approach for the interfacial transverse stress that is generated by the Broutman test specimen under compression. The analysis is based on the division of the specimen into a bulk region and a near fibre region. Treating separately each region a compound equation for the interfacial stress can be derived. The equation also includes residual thermal stress and fibre anisotropy. A 3D finite element model was used to validate the approach. The calculations are performed for two commonly used material systems (carbon/glass fibre, epoxy resin). A comparison between the finite element results and the analytical solutions ind<br />icates that the accuracy of the analytical approach is very good.
Publisher Composites / Part A
Citation Composites / Part A 31 (2000) 661-670

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