

Authors Lang, M.
Title Cyclic structures in polymer model networks
Date 19.06.2019
Number 55853
Abstract Advances of the past ten years for synthesis, analysis, and modeling of polymer model networks are critically reviewed with a focus on control and analysis of cyclic structures and their impact on network properties. The hetero–complementary coupling reaction of the tetra–PEG gel architecture allows only for cyclic structures containing an even number of network strands, which eliminates the formation of several network defects including pending loops. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) can be used to detect the amount of inactive chains and the smallest active cyclic structures of a model network. Network disassembly spectrometry (NDS) allows for a detection of pending loops and the smallest active cycles at high accuracy. The size distribution of cyclic structures in a polymer model network depends predominantly on the overlap number of strands and the effective junction functionality. The contribution of a network strand to modulus inside a model network may be approximated by the number of strands of the smallest cyclic structure where it is part of. These discoveries pave the way for future developments towards an improved prediction of the phantom modulus of real networks that consist entirely of finite cycles.
Publisher Macromolecular Symposia
Citation Macromolecular Symposia 285 (2019) ID1800168

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