

Authors Arends, D. ; Schlummer, M. ; Mäurer, A. ; Markowski, J. ; Wagenknecht, U.
Title Characterisation and mateials flow management for waste electrical and electronic equipment plastics from German dismantling centres
Date 04.11.2015
Number 47861
Abstract Waste electrical and electronic equipment is a complex waste stream and treatment options that work for one waste category or product may not be appropriate for others. A comprehensive case study has been performed for plastic-rich fractions that are treated in German dismantling centres. Plastics from TVs, monitors and printers and small household appliances have been characterised extensively. Based on the characterisation results, state-of-the-art treatment technologies have been combined to design an optimised recycling and upgrade process for each input fraction. High-impact polystyrene from TV casings that complies with the European directive on the restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS) was produced by applying continuous density separation with yields of about 60%. Valuable acrylonitrile butadiene styrene/polycarbonate can be extracted from monitor and printer casings by near-infrared-based sorting. Polyolefins and/or a halogen-free fraction of mixed styrenics can be sorted out by density separation from monitors and printers and small household appliances. Emerging separation technologies are discussed to improve recycling results.
Publisher Waste Management & Research
Citation Waste Management & Research 33 (2015) 775-784
Tags waste electrical and electronic equipment plastics dismantling characterisation recycling separation density near-infrared artificial neural-networks weee identification fractions

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