

Authors Bratskaya, S. ; Genest, S. ; Petzold-Welcke, K. ; Heinze, T. ; Schwarz, S.
Title Flocculation efficiency of novel amphiphilic starch derivatives: a comparative study
Date 14.06.2014
Number 37625
Abstract Flocculation properties of amphiphilic starch derivatives of varying degrees of substitution (DS) of benzyl- and 2-hydroxypropyl-trimethylammonium moieties have been investigated in dispersions of kaolin, calcium carbonate, and silica. Moderate hydrophobic substitution leads to a decrease of efficient flocculant dose and increase of flocculation window width. Samples with high DS of hydrophobic moieties are effective only at significantly higher doses but in a broader concentration range compared to solely cationic ones of the same DS. Joint analysis of adsorption isotherms and flocculation test data has revealed that the surface coverage required to induce phase separation ranges between 10–25% and is minimal for amphiphiles, whose floc sizes are moreover less dependent on the flocculant dose.
Publisher Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
Citation Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 299 (2014) 722-728
Tags adsorption amphiphilic starches flocculation fillers surface coverage

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