

Authors Spirin, L. ; Galuschko, A. ; Kreer, T. ; Binder, K. ; Baschnagel, J.
Title Polymer-brush lubricated surfaces with colloidal inclusions under shear inversion
Date 25.05.2011
Number 27362
Abstract We characterize the response of compressed, sheared polymer-brush bilayers with colloidal inclusions to highly nonstationary inversion processes by means of molecular dynamics simulations and scaling theory. Bilayers with a simple (dimeric) solvent reveal an overshoot for the shear stress, while simulations of dry brushes without explicit solvent molecules fail to display this effect. We demonstrate that mechanical instabilities can be controlled by the inclusion of macromolecular structures, such as colloids of varying softness. Based on a recently developed theory, we suggest a scaling approach to determine a characteristic time for conformational and collective responses. © 2011 American Physical Society
Publisher Physical Review Letters
Citation Physical Review Letters 106 (2011) 168301 (4)

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