

Authors Richter, A. ; Janke, A. ; Zschoche, St. ; Zimmermann, R. ; Simon, F. ; Eichhorn, K.-J. ; Voit, B. ; Appelhans, D.
Title pH-stable hyperbranched poly(ethyleneimine)-maltose films for the interaction with phosphate containing drugs
Date 29.09.2010
Number 24562
Abstract Maltose-decorated hyperbranched poly(ethyleneimine) is a promising candidate as drug carrier attributed by electrostatic interactions. Here, we report the fabrication of stable hyperbranched poly(ethyleneimine)-maltose (PEI-Mal) films capable of swelling and their features to load and release phosphate containing drugs as being observed by ellipsometric study.
Publisher New Journal of Chemistry
Wikidata Q57777583
Citation New Journal of Chemistry 34 (2010) 2105-2108
Tags multilayer films polymer brushes thin-films tools copolymers interface hydrogels cellulose adhesion delivery

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