

Authors Malanin, M. ; Eichhorn, K.-J. ; Lederer, A. ; Treppe, P. ; Adam, G. ; Fischer, D. ; Voigt, D.
Title On-line preferential solvation studies of polymers by coupled chromatographic-fourier transform infrared spectroscopic flow-cell technique
Date 27.11.2009
Number 20588
Abstract Qualitative and quantitative comparison between liquid chromatography (LC) and LC coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (LC-FTIR) to evaluate preferential solvation phenomenon of polymers in a mixed solvent has been performed. These studies show that LC-FTIR technique leads to detailed structural information without the requirement for determination of additional parameters for quantitative analysis except calibration. Appropriate experimental conditions for preferential solvation study have been established by variation of polymer concentration, molar mass and eluent content.
Publisher Journal of Chromatography / A
Wikidata Q43246594
Citation Journal of Chromatography / A 1216 (2009) 8939-8946
Tags poly(ethylene glycol) preferential solvation hyphenated techniques lc-ftir size-exclusion chromatography sec-ftir polystyrene copolymers interface mixtures solvents system ir

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