

Authors Zschech, D. ; Milenin, A. P. ; Scholz, R. ; Hillebrand, R. ; Sun, Y. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Stamm, M. ; Steinhart, M. ; Gösele, U.
Title Transfer of sub-30-nm patterns from templates based on supramolecular assemblies
Date 01.11.2007
Number 15472
Abstract In conclusion, SMA templates based on PS-b-PVP and HABA with periods in the sub-30-nm range can easily be developed by extracting the additive HABA. No pretreatment of the substrates and no staining or cross-linking of the SMA templates are required for the pattern transfer by RIE. Therefore, SMA templates might be an interesting alternative to established BC templates.
Publisher Macromolecules
Citation Macromolecules 40 (2007) 7752-7754
Tags block-copolymer lithography thin-films diblock copolymers arrays fabrication

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