

Authors Truman, P. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Stamm, M.
Title Monitoring liquid transport and chemical composition in lab on a chip systems using ion sensitive FET devices
Date 20.11.2006
Number 14008
Abstract A novel single silicon thin film field-effect-transistor (FET) is developed for use as a sensor to monitor transport and chemical properties of liquids in microfluidic systems. The sensor elements which are compatible with existing (bio-)chemical sensor schemes based on ion-sensitive-field-effect-transistors (ISFET) can detect capillary filling speed and level in aqueous solutions. Using a transitor based detection scheme, this approach has the potential to enable high speed flow detection on large scales with high spatial resolution. The prototype devices presented in the present study have been fabricated by using a simple cost-efficient route for circuit board lithography. The thin film FET device charcteristics are discussed and a theoretical model for liquid transport detection based on FETs is developed. Typical experimental data are also presented.
Publisher Lab on a Chip
Citation Lab on a Chip 6 (2006) 1220-1228
Tags hydrodynamic boundary-conditions molecular-dynamics simulation thin-film resistor complex fluids flow sensor microfluidics separation surfaces slip microchannels

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