

Authors Drechsler, A. ; Grundke, K.
Title The influence of electrolyte ions on the interaction forces between polystyrene surfaces
Date 22.09.2005
Number 12517
Abstract The forces between a flat polystyrene film and a polystyrene sphere have been measured in water and solutions of KCl and KOH. All force–distance curves show at distances >5–50 nm an electrical double-layer repulsion whose range and strength depend on the electrolyte concentration. The electrical double-layer potential at the polystyrene surface coincides with its zeta potential. An attractive force of variable range and strength dominates at shorter distances in water, KCl concentrations up to 10-2 M and a 10-5 M KOH solution. We attribute it to the existence of air nanobubbles on the polymer surface. It is not affected by the KCl concentration. In KOH concentrations =10-4 M, the attraction disappears. Instead, an additional “soft” steric repulsion occurs at distances <5–20 nm.
Publisher Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Citation Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 264 (2005) 157-165
Tags PG_SurfaceForce

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