

Authors Fahmi, A. ; Braun, H.-G. ; Stamm, M.
Title Fabrication of Metallic Nanowires from Self-Assembled Diblock Copolymer Templates
Date 30.07.2003
Number 11264
Abstract Nanowires of diblock copolymer have been prepared from separated columnar phases of a polymeric complex. Cylindrical structures are formed and oriented by oscillatory shear forces, from which nanowires several micrometers long and 30-35 mn in diameter can be extracted. These nanowires can be used as templates for both metallization with Pd (see Figure), Au, or Ni, or for adsorption of CdSe nanoparticles.
Publisher Advanced Materials
Citation Advanced Materials 15 (2003) 1201-1204
Tags block copolymers nanowires metallized self-assembling materials template-directed synthesis catalytic growth vapor transport block-copolymer membranes polymer gold complexes

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