

Authors Dlubek, G. ; Supej, M. ; Bondarenko, V. ; Pionteck, J. ; Krause-Rehberg, R.
Title Ortho-Positronium Lifetime Distribution Analyzed with MELT and LT and Free Volume in Poly(e-caprolactone during Glass Transition, Melting, and Crystallization
Date 31.12.2003
Number 10629
Abstract Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) was used to study the free volume behavior in the temperature range between 100 and 370 K in semicrystalline poly(<IMGSRC="/giflibrary/12/epsiv.gif"BORDER="0">-caprolactone) (PCL). For the analysis of the spectra we used the well-known routine MELT as well as the new program LT8.0, which allows both discrete and log-normal distributed annihilation rates. From experiments, confirmed by the analysis of simulated spectra, we found that MELT returns too large values for the <I>o</I>-Ps lifetime <IMGSRC="/giflibrary/12/tau.gif"BORDER="0"><SUB>3</SUB> associated with too small intensities <I>I</I><SUB>3</SUB>. This is due to the underestimation of the width of <I>o</I>-Ps lifetime distribution in MELT (the spectra analyzed contained 3 million counts). The same effects were observed in the parameters obtained from the discrete term analysis. LT, however, returns, when allowing the <I>o</I>-Ps lifetime to be distributed, rather accurate values for <IMGSRC="/giflibrary/12/tau.gif"BORDER="0"><SUB>3</SUB>, <I>I</I><SUB>3</SUB>, and th<br />e width (standard deviation <IMGSRC="/giflibrary/12/sigma.gif"BORDER="0"><SUB>3</SUB>) of the <I>o</I>-Ps lifetime distribution. The effect of the glass transition, melting, and crystallization on the annihilation parameters was observed. These results were compared with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) experiments. From this comparison, the number density of holes and the fractional free (hole) volume have been estimated. At a <IMGSRC="/giflibrary/12/ldquo.gif"BORDER="0">knee<IMGSRC="/giflibrary/12/rdquo.gif"BORDER="0"> temperature <I>T</I><SUB><I>k</I></SUB> <IMGSRC="/giflibrary/12/ap.gif"BORDER="0"> 1.5 <I>T</I><SUB><I>g</I></SUB>, a leveling off of the <I>o</I>-Ps lifetime <IMGSRC="/giflibrary/12/tau.gif"BORDER="0"><SUB>3</SUB> and a distinct decrease in the width, <IMGSRC="/giflibrary/12/sigma.gif"BORDER="0"><SUB>3</SUB>, of its distribution was observed; the latter effect was detected for the first time. Fast motional processes and/or the disappearance of the dynamic heterogeneity of the glass and the transition to a homogeneous liquid are discussed as possible reasons for these effects. &copy; 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 41: 3077-3088, 2003
Publisher Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics
Citation Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics 41 (2003) 3077-3088

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