

Authors Zafeiropoulos, N.E. ; Baillie, C.A. ; Matthews, F.L.
Title An investigation of the effect of processing conditions on the interface flax/polypropylene composites
Date 31.12.2001
Number 10045
Abstract In recent years there has been an increasing interest in using natural fibers as potential reinforcements for polymers. It is well known that the properties of composite materials are controlled by the properties of the matrix and the fiber, as well as of the interface. The most usual methods of strengthening the interface involve the application of surface modification methods on the fibers, or the application of compatibilizers in the matrix. However, it may be possible that one may achieve similar results by simply controlling the processing conditions, and thus avoiding the application of chemicals that tend to increase the cost. In the present study the effect of cooling rates on the interface in flax fiber/iPP composites was investigated by means of fragmentation tests. It was found that slower cooling leads to a stronger interface for two different grades of flax fibers; dew retted and green flax. (Author)
Publisher Advanced Composites Letters
Citation Advanced Composites Letters 10 (2001) 293-297

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