Paper "A new in vitro blood flow model for the realistic evaluation of antimicrobial surfaces" published

The new paper A new in vitro blood flow model for the realistic evaluation of antimicrobial surfaces by Juliane Valtin, Stephan Behrens, André Ruland, Florian Schmieder, Frank Sonntag, Lars D. Renner, Manfred F. Maitz, and Carsten Werner addresses the problem that there were no established settings to predict the performance of antimicrobial coatings in preventing device-associated bloodstream infections. The study presents a new blood flow model for the simultaneous incubation of a test surface with bacteria and freshly drawn human blood. The introduced model enables the evaluation of antimicrobial materials under in vivo-like conditions, capturing interactions between bacteria and surfaces under in vivo-like conditions in the presence of the host response.
The paper was published in Advanced Healthcare Materials.
DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202301300