

Authors Wolf, D. ; Wagenknecht, U. ; Kretzschmar, B.
Title Interface Controlled Materials - Nanocomposites of the Polyolefine Clay Type - New Products Using a Novel Compounding Technique
Date 31.12.2000
Number 8865
Abstract A common feature of advanced functional materials - such as thin films, layered structures and all kinds of nanoscale materials (ultrafine powders, polycrystals, nanocomposites, nanoporous or nanotubular materials) - is that their properties are mainly influenced by the structure and composition of their surfaces and interfaces.<br />This book discusses the processing, fabrication, structure, properties and applications of such interface-controlled materials, highlighting the problem of determining the structure and properties of these advanced materials by different techniques. <br /><br />Part II: Nanomaterials, Chapter 32<br />The development of polymer-nanocomposites is one of the most popular research topics in material sciences of the present time. Layered silicates such as montmorillonite, the main fraction of the clay mineral bentonite are commonly used for several purposes and are commercial available in lots of different types. The high aspect ratio of approximately 100-1000 (edge length in ratio to the thickness of the layers) of completely exfoliated layers promises a high influence on the properties of polymers filled with such materials [1, 2]. <br /><br />ISBN 3-527-30191-5
Publisher Wiley-VCH
Citation Wiley-VCH (2000) 189-193

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