

Authors Boye, S. ; Muza, U. L. ; Geisler, M. ; Lederer, A.
Title Field-flow fractionation: Extended frontiers to supramolecular and complex polymer materials
Date 01.12.2022
Number 61253
Abstract The development of multidetection field-flow fractionation (FFF) has made a global impact on the research and development of advanced separation and analysis of novel, supramolecular, and complex polymers. Owing to their multiple functionalities and applications in advanced nanotechnology, the accurate and reliable characterization of advanced materials is essential for both the material design and development processes. As highlighted in Figure 1, the utility of FFF, namely asymmetrical-flow FFF (AF4), hollow-fibre-flow FFF (HF5), and thermal FFF (ThFFF), has been instrumental in extending the frontiers for the separation and analysis of supramolecular and complex polymers (1). These FFF subtypes have the ability to separate at low-shear conditions as a function of distinct separation force-fields across a flat ribbon-like channel with a laminar and parabolic solvent flow-profile. Examples of force-fields are a thermal gradient and a cross-flow stream, applicable for ThFFF and AF4/ HF5, respectively.
Publisher LC-GC Europe : Solutions for Separation Scientists
Citation LC-GC Europe : Solutions for Separation Scientists 35 (2022) 434-435

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