

Authors Mondal, M. ; Gohs, U. ; Wagenknecht, U. ; Heinrich, G.
Title High performance, natural rubber thermoplastic elastomers using accelerated electrons
Date 25.01.2013
Number 35604
Abstract A high-performance thermoplastic elastomer was developed using polypropylene, masticated natural rubber, grafting co-agent, and high-energy electrons.<br /><br />Blending two polymers is an effective and much simpler technique than synthesizing new polymers to get a material with properties tailored for specific industrial applications. When a thermoplastic such as polypropylene (PP) or polystyrene and an elastomer such as ethylene propylene diene rubber (EPDM) or natural rubber (NR) are blended, the result is a thermoplastic elastomer (TPE). By blending these two types of polymers, we can combine the melt-processability of thermoplastics and the good elastic properties of elastomers. TPEs belong to the family of rubber-like materials and can be processed on extruders or injection molding machines in a cost-, energy-, and time-efficient manner compared with conventional rubbers. Additionally, TPEs offer the possibility of recycling scrap. TPEs are commercially available and used in many applications ranging from cable and wire insulation to automotive sealing.
Publisher SPE Plastics Research Online
Citation SPE Plastics Research Online (2013) Article online

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