

Authors Böhme, U. ; Gelfert, K. ; Scheler, U.
Title Solid-state NMR of polymers under mechanical stress
Date 25.05.2011
Number 25945
Abstract Low-field NMR in a Halbach magnet has been used for the in-situ investigation of polymers under mechanical stress. Low-field NMR at a Larmor frequency of 32 MHz is particularly suited for the investigation of magnetic resonance relaxation and residual dipolar couplings. The method has been demonstrated on an elastomer and has subsequently been applied to a semicrystalline polymer. Under uniaxial load the transverse relaxation T2 becomes faster and residual dipolar couplings are getting stronger. The effect on the elastomer is completely reversible, while in the semicrystalline polymer an irreversible rearrangement is observed. ©2011 American Institute of Physics
Publisher AIP conference proceedings
Citation AIP conference proceedings 1330 (2011) 109-112

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