

Authors Motornov, M. ; Stamm, M. ; Minko, S.
Title Responsive Nanoparticles with Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Behavior
Date 30.09.2005
Number 13512
Abstract Combination of two different polymers in the same thin polymer coating for the surface modification can result in new properties of materials resembling somehow responsive properties in alive nature. Di- or triblock copolymers grafted to a solid substrate present a special class of block copolymer brushes. Nanoparticles and colloids with grafted polymer brushes represent a numerous class of responsive materials relevant to the broad range of applications. Here we describe the fabrication and investigation of smart responsive nanoparticles by grafting block copolymers. We grafted either triblock copolymer of poly(styrene-b-2-vinypyridine-b-etyleneoxyde) or diblock copolymer poly(styrene-b-4-vinyl pyridine) to silica particles with diameter of 200nm. The particles were modified by 11-bromoundodeciltrimethoxisilane then the block copolymers were grafted by quternization to the particle surface. We obtained smart coatings with responsive switching behavior upon exposure to different solvent. The switching of surface properties was investigated by AFM and water contact angle measurements.<br /><br />Advances in Polymer Brushes<br />The 230th ACS National Meeting, in Washington, DC, Aug 28-Sept 1, 2005
Publisher Polymer Preprints
Citation Polymer Preprints 46 (2005) 78-79
Tags NM_PolymerBrushes

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