

Authors Minko, S. ; Usov, D. ; Stamm, M.
Title Mechanism of phase Segregation in Mixed Polymer Brushes
Date 30.09.2005
Number 13510
Abstract We report on the experimental study of the phase segregation mechanisms for mixed polymer brushes. Several pares of two unlike polymers PS and PMMA, PS and P2VP, fluorinated PS and PMMA were randomly grafted onto the surface of Si-substrates using in situ “grafting from” polymerization approach. The mixed brushes are sensitive to their environment via switching between different phase segregation mechanisms upon treatment with solvents. We study the morphology of the segregated brushes using a range of methods sensitive to chemical contrast of the segregated polymer films: AFM, XPEEM, contact angle, XPS. We show that major segregation mechanisms extracted from the experiments are consistent with theoretical predictions. We compare the phase segregation mechanisms in flat, spherical mixed brushes, and the hierarchically designed mixed brushes.<br /><br />Advances in Polymer Brushes<br />The 230th ACS National Meeting, in Washington, DC, Aug 28-Sept 1, 2005
Publisher Polymer Preprints
Citation Polymer Preprints 46 (2005) 39-40
Tags NM_PolymerBrushes

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