

Authors Lach, R. ; Weidisch, R. ; Knoll, K.
Title Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Binary Triblock Copolymer Blends
Date 27.01.2005
Number 12390
Abstract The influence of the morphology on the mechanical properties of binary styrene-butadiene (SB) triblock copolymer blends of a thermoplastic block copolymer and a thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) with different molecular architectures was studied with bulk samples prepared from toluene. Both block copolymers contained SB random copolymer middle blocks, that is, the block sequence S-SB-S. The two miscible triblock copolymers were combined to create a TPE with increased tensile strength without a change in their elasticity. The changes in the equilibrium morphology of the miscible triblock copolymer blends as a function of the TPE content (lamellae, bicontinuous morphology, hexagonal cylinders, and worms) resulted in a novel morphology-property correlation: (1) the strain at break and Young's modulus of blends with about 20 wt % TPE were larger than those of the pure thermoplastic triblock copolymer; (2) at the transition from bicontinuous structures to hexagonal structures (<IMGSRC="/giflibrary/12/sim.gif"BORDER="0">35 wt % TPE), a change in the mechanical properties from thermoplastic to elastomeric was observed; and (3) in the full range of wormlike and hexagonal morphology (60-100 wt % TPE), elastomeric properties were observed, the strength greatly increasing and high-strength elastomers resulting. &copy; 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 43: 429-438, 2005
Publisher Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics
Citation Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics 43 (2005) 429-438

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