

Authors Eschner, M. ; Frenzel, R. ; Simon, F. ; Pleul, D.Pleul ; Uhlmann, P. ; Adler, H. J.
Title w-Substituted Long Chain Alkylphosphonic Acids - Their Synthesis and Deposition on Metal Oxides and Subsequent Functional Group Conversion on the Deposited Compounds
Date 14.05.2004
Number 11890
Abstract The crystal structure and the surface of alumina layers on silicon wafers were investigated by means of GIWAXS, WAXS, and AFM. Self-assembled monolayers of <IMGSRC="/giflibrary/12/ohgr.gif"BORDER="0">-substituted long-chain alkylphosphonic acids were deposited on alumina and the layer thickness and homogeneity were determined by ellipsometry revealing a dependency of thickness and homogeneity on the nature of the substituent. During the adsorption process surface etching by the phosphonic acid was observed causing an increase in surface roughness.
Publisher Macromolecular Symposia
Citation Macromolecular Symposia 210 (2004) 77-84
Tags alkylphosphonic acid alumina atomic force microscopy self-assembled monolayer surfaces

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