

Authors Roetsch, K.; Stommel, M.; Horst, T.
Title Investigation of epoxy resin under uniaxial, biaxial, and triaxial quasi-static loads
Date 01.01.2025
Number 0
Abstract Several studies indicate that epoxy resin exhibits a very wide range of mechanical behavior, in particular its strength, as a function of stress state. Especially when epoxy resin is used as matrix material for fiber reinforced composites (FRC), this becomes relevant due to complex stress conditions in the matrix. However, the knowledge about the behavior of epoxy resin under uni, bi, and triaxial stress conditions is lacking. Therefore, the mechanical properties of a typical epoxy resin for the production of FRC were investigated given such load conditions. The determined strengths were compared with the predictions of the extended paraboloid criterion. Uniaxial tension and compression tests, torsion tests with overlaid tension and compression, and triaxial tension tests were performed. An elastoplastic material model and a nonlocal damage model were formulated to demonstrate the application of the extended paraboloid strength criterion. In particular, large plastic strains under shear stress conditions, as well as a perfectly brittle material behavior with significantly reduced strength under triaxial tension, could be shown.
Publisher American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Citation Journal of Engineering Mechanics 151 (2025) 04024099

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