

Authors Sarkar, S.; Devinder, S.; Sahoo, P. K.; Joseph, J.
Title Exploring tunable single-wavelength detection schemes for guided-mode resonance sensors
Date 11.05.2024
Number 0
Abstract We explore guided-mode resonant (GMR) structures in an unconventional way for low-cost yet effective bio-sensing applications. In contrast to regular broadband source-based wavelength interrogation techniques, single wavelength-based measurements can successfully eliminate the requirement of a costly spectrometer for rapid label-free detection and analysis. We have fabricated a silicon–nitride grating-waveguide structure and investigated it theoretically as well as experimentally under normal, angular, and conical incidences following an all-in-one transmission geometry. Such studies avoid unnecessary fabrication of multiple chips and promote a wide operational range of the GMR sensor. To validate the proposed cost-effective intensity-based sensing, we have analyzed our fabricated single GMR chip under different combinations of two-axis rotation to confirm its suitability under commonly available laser sources. Finally, using a He-Ne laser, a sensitivity of ∼ 166 mW/RIU is recorded experimentally on an average for the fabricated GMR device, operating at the resonant wavelength of 632.8 nm. The current study provides an in-depth investigation to promote possibilities for utilizing GMR structures in an inexpensive intensity-based bio-detection scheme through the demonstrated proof-of-concept.
Publisher Elsevier
Citation Optics and Laser Technology 177 (2024) 111107

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