

Authors Fischer, M.; Wiegand, J.-J.; Kühnert, I.
Title New characterization methods for micro-injection molded specimens in polymer material development
Date 08.05.2024
Number 0
Abstract The properties of plastic components show a particularly strong dependence on the processing history, compared to other material categories. Interactions with part dimensions and structure formation phenomena, such as crystallization, significantly determine the properties. The understanding of these process-structure-property relations is the basis for the development of tailored materials and the exploitation of new applications and processes. Additional challenges arise from political and economical transformations. New raw material sources and circular economy efforts lead to changing initial properties of the raw materials used. Micro-injection molding has proved to be an efficient method for processing and characterization in the material development of thermoplastic polymer materials. In order to comprehensively describe the material behavior, a micro-tensile test and a micro-impact test were qualified for in-house developed specimens. While the correlation for the yield stress from the micro-tensile test is already very good compared to standardized results, it does not yet correspond well for the Young’s modulus. In addition, micro impact results are not directly comparable with the Charpy impact tests and other commonly used standards. Nevertheless, the fracture type and toughness values allow a good comparison and differentiation with each other.
Publisher American Institute of Physics
Citation AIP Conference Proceedings 3158 (2024) 130005

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