

Authors Shivers, J. L.; Sharma, A.; MacKintosh, F. C.
Title Strain-controlled critical slowing down in the rheology of disordered networks
Date 25.10.2023
Number 0
Abstract Networks and dense suspensions frequently reside near a boundary between soft (or fluidlike) and rigid (or solidlike) regimes. Transitions between these regimes can be driven by changes in structure, density, or applied stress or strain. In general, near the onset or loss of rigidity in these systems, dissipation-limiting heterogeneous nonaffine rearrangements dominate the macroscopic viscoelastic response, giving rise to diverging relaxation times and power-law rheology. Here, we describe a simple quantitative relationship between nonaffinity and the excess viscosity. We test this nonaffinity-viscosity relationship computationally and demonstrate its rheological consequences in simulations of strained filament networks and dense suspensions. We also predict critical signatures in the rheology of semiflexible and stiff biopolymer networks near the strain stiffening transition.
Publisher American Physical Society
Citation Physical Review Letters 131 (2023) 178201

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