

Authors Liu, K.; Réhault, J.; Liang, B.; Hambsch, M.; Zhang, Y.; Seçkin, S.; Zhou, Y.; Shivhare, R.; Zhang, P.; Polozij, M.; König, T. A. F.; Qi, H.; Zhou, S.; Fery, A.; Mannsfeld, S. C. B.; Kaiser, U.; Heine, T.; Banerji, N.; Dong, R.; Feng, X.
Title A quasi-2D polypyrrole film with band-like transport behavior and high charge carrier mobility
Date 05.10.2023
Number 0
Abstract Quasi-2D (q2D) conjugated polymers (CPs) are polymers that consist of linear CP chains assembled through non-covalent interactions to form a layered structure. In this work, the synthesis of a novel crystalline q2D polypyrrole (q2DPPy) film at the air/H2SO4 (95%) interface is reported. The unique interfacial environment facilitates chain extension, prevents disorder, and results in a crystalline, layered assembly of protonated quinoidal chains with a fully extended conformation in its crystalline domains. This unique structure features highly delocalized π-electron systems within the extended chains, which is responsible for the low effective mass and narrow electronic bandgap. Thus, the temperature-dependent charge-transport properties of q2DPPy are investigated using the van der Pauw (vdP) method and terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). The vdP method reveals that the q2DPPy film exhibits a semiconducting behavior with a thermally activated hopping mechanism in long-range transport between the electrodes. Conversely, THz-TDS reveals a band-like transport, indicating intrinsic charge transport up to a record short-range high THz mobility of ≈107.1 cm2 V−1 s−1.
Publisher Wiley
Citation Advanced Materials 35 (2023) 2303288

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