

Authors Sawada, J.; Mandal, S.; Das, A.; Heinrich, G.; Tada, T.
Title Hydrogen bonding network formation in epoxidized natural rubber
Date 01.05.2024
Number 0
Abstract Reversible networks of epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) mixed with dicarboxylic acid were studied. ENR is a bio-based polymer, commercially available, and capable of sulphur vulcanisation. In addition, ENR has been already reported to exhibit self-healing characteristics after ionisation by adding ionic groups to the epoxide group. The reversible network structure plays an essential role for self-healing behaviour, which cannot be obtained for elastomers with irreversible sulphur network. In this study, dicarboxylic acid was used to construct the reversible network. The reversible hydrogen bonds were established in such a way that firstly one carboxyl group of di-carboxylic acid (DA) is reacted to ENR and secondary the other carboxyl group of DA interacts with residual carboxyl group to form hydrogen bonds in carboxylic dimer. The self-healing behaviour was evaluated for ENR with DA by tensile tests. This self-healing system provides new insights for sustainable and natural-based materials.
Publisher Springer
Citation Polymer Bulletin 81 (2024) 5991-6002

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