Scheffler, C.; Hiller, J.; Krüger, M.; Stommel, M.; Austermann, V.; Wilms, E.; Fischer, K.; Dahlmann, R.; Hopmann, C.
Prozessoptimierte Hybridgarne für den Faserspritzprozess / Process-optimized hybrid yarns for the fiber-spraying process
Das Ziel des Forschungsprojekts „ProSize“ war es, die Einflüsse der Hybridgarneigenschaften wie die Schneidbarkeit und die elektrostatische Aufladung auf die Verarbeitbarkeit im Faserspritzprozess zu identifizieren und zu quantifizieren, um basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen simultan gesponnene Glasfaser / Polyamid-6.6(GF / PA 6.6)-Hybridgarne mit angepassten Schlichterezepturen zu entwickeln. Durch die Zusammenarbeit des IPF und des IKV konnten Hybridgarne entwickelt werden, die speziell für die Verarbeitung im Faserspritzprozess ausgelegt sind, um Inhomogenitäten des lokalen Flächengewichts und der Faserorientierung im Preform auf ein zulässiges Maß zu reduzieren.
The 3D fiber spraying process represents a method that can be used to produce preforms for manufacturing components made of thermoplastic fiber reinforced plastic (TP-FRP) with directed fiber orientation at low scrap rates (Figure 1). However, the preforms produced by this process exhibit quality variations. For example, there are inhomogeneities in the grammage or deviations of the fibers from the main orientation direction, which is specified by the load case at hand. These quality variations occur when using commercially available hybrid yarns, which were originally developed for the production of textile fabrics as well as winding and braiding processes. In the fiber spraying process, however, there are further requirements for the cuttability of the hybrid yarns. The processing of commercially available hybrid yarns in the fiber spraying process leads, among other things, to effects such as poor yarn closure (filament/filament contact), voluminous spreading of the cut fibers and poor cuttability. These are mainly influenced by the fiber sizing [2]. The aim of the research project "ProSize" was to identify and quantify the influences of hybrid yarn properties, such as cuttability and electrostatic charging, on processability in the fiber spraying process, in order to develop simultaneously spun glass fiber/polyamide (GF/PA6.6) hybrid yarns with adapted sizing formulations based on these findings. The collaboration of Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research (Leibniz-IPF) Dresden and Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV) at RWTH Aachen University enabled the development of hybrid yarns specifically designed for processing in the fiber spraying process in order to reduce inhomogeneities of the local basis weight and fiber orientation in the preform to an acceptable level.
Technische Textilien / Technical Textiles
Technische Textilien / Technical Textiles 66 (2023) 20-22