

Authors Bartosch, S.; Kohn, B.; Scheler, U.
Title Chain dynamics in a polyelectrolyte solution under shear: a rheological NMR investigation
Date 21.08.2023
Number 0
Abstract Rheological nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been applied to study the effect of shear on the chain dynamics in a solution of a linear poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate). Information on the chain dynamics of poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) sheared in a narrow-gap concentric double cylinder cell is inferred from the NMR transverse relaxation T<sub>2</sub> for a concentration in the semidilute- entangled and in the concentrated regime. In the semidilute-entangled concentration enhanced relaxation is observed. In the concentrated regime signatures of a loss of entanglements are seen with increasing T<sub>2</sub> and a decreasing fraction of the polymer showing restricted motion. The effect is enhanced when the electrostatic interaction along the polymer chain is reduced by the addition of NaCl.
Publisher Springer
Citation Applied Magnetic Resonance 54 (2023) 1533-1541

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