

12.04.2021 Paper „Sulfonated cryogel scaffolds for focal delivery in ex-vivo tissue cultures” published

The new paper Sulfonated cryogel scaffolds for focal delivery in ex-vivo brain tissue cultures by Dimitri Eigel, Romy Schuster, Max J. Männel, Julian Thiele, Martyna J. Panasiuk, Laura C. Andreae, Carmine Varicchio, … mehr »

09.04.2021 Photo contest: 2021 ibidi Calendar

Maximilian Fusenig and Nicholas Dennison took part in the photo contest 2021 of the company ibidi and their picture was chosen to be published in the month of April. The picture shows the complex network formation of … mehr »

07.04.2021 New EU project aims to conduct research into new therapies for pancreatic cancer

Professor Daniela Lössner will establish a research group at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer research e.V. (IPF), working on the development of 3D cell culture platforms for research into new therapies for pancreatic … mehr »

04.04.2021 New project of Carsten Werner and Ayala Lampel funded by DFG

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) has decided to grant the collaborative project „Expanding the matrix space – modulating growth factor signals by cell instructive glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-peptide hydrogels with … mehr »

18.03.2021 Start-up Neuron-D using innovative technology of IPF

The Dresden-based start-up Neuron-D GmbH is developing a high-throughput system for testing drug candidates to treat neurodegenerative diseases on the basis of a license agreement with the German Center for … mehr »

23.02.2021 Strategic cooperation between Carl Zeiss AG and TU Dresden - IPF involved

The TU Dresden and Carl Zeiss AG signed a cooperation agreement on February 17th, 2021 to establish a long-term strategic partnership. This is intended to consolidate cooperation in the areas of research, teaching and … mehr »

03.01.2021 New project of Alessia Besford funded by DFG

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) will support Dr. Alessia Besford over the next three years through her project „Understanding the Biomolecular Corona Formation at the Nano-Bio Interface: Toward the … mehr »

05.08.2020 Paper „The protein component of oyster glycogen nanoparticles: An anchor point for functionalization” published

The new paper The protein component of oyster glycogen nanoparticles: An anchor point for functionalization by Quinn A. Besford, Alessia C. G. Weiss, Jonas Schubert, Timothy M. Ryan, Manfred F. Maitz, Pietro Pacchin … mehr »

23.07.2020 New project of Mirko Nitschke funded by DFG

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) will support Dr. Mirko Nitschke over the next three years through his project „3D structure and dynamics of plasma-treated polymer materials“. Low pressure plasma techniques … mehr »

01.07.2020 New project of Lars Renner and Elisha Krieg funded by EKFZ

The Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health (EKFZ) will support the project „VirChip – Point-of-Care/Need isothermal RNA/DNA detection“ over the next two years. During the current COVID-19 pandemic the need … mehr »

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