Meißner, S.; Kafka, J.; Isermann, H.; Labisch, S.; Kesel, A.; Eberhardt, O.; Kuolt, H.; Scholz, S.; Kalisch, D.; Müller, S.; Spickenheuer, A.; Kroll, L.
Development and evaluation of a novel method for reinforcing additively manufactured polymer structures with continuous fiber composites more
Journal of Composites Science 8 (2024) 272
Azevedo, C. B.; Almeida Jr., J. H. S.; Lisbôa, T. d. V.; Scherer, L. G.; Spickenheuer, A.; Amico, S. C.
Combining filament winding with tailored fiber placement in composite cylinders locally reinforced with fibrous patches more
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 43 (2024) 576-588
Cáceres, G. d. A.; Lisbôa, T. d. V.; Elschner, C.; Spickenheuer, A.
Experimental global warming potential-weighted specific stiffness comparison among different natural and synthetic fibers in a composite component manufactured by Tailored Fiber Placement more
Polymers 16 (2024) 726
Fischer, M.; Santoro, L. A.; Bruk, S.; Henkel, K.; Hüttner, R.; Körbitz, R.; Brinkmann, F.; Spickenheuer, A.; Kühnert, I.; Hampe, J.; Uhlig, K.
Friction testing of tube-guided electrically heated Nitinol shape-memory alloy wires more
Tribology International 191 (2024) 109161
Uhlig, K.; Bruk, S.; Fischer, M.; Henkel, K.; Brinkmann, F.; Körbitz, R.; Hüttner, R.; Pietsch, M.; Hempel, P.; Spickenheuer, A.; Stommel, M.; Richter, A.; Hampe, J.
Design, simulation and experimental analysis of a monolithic bending section for enhanced maneuverability of single use laparoscopic devices more
Scientific Reports 14 (2024) 3309
Madrid, M.; Almeida Jr., J. H. S.; Lisbôa, T. d. V.; Spickenheuer, A.; Marczak, R. J.; Amico, S. C.
Internal pressure testing of open-ended filament-wound cylinders using radial expansion of elastomeric inserts more
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites (2024) Early Access
Konze, S.; Lisbôa, T. V.; Bruk, S.; Bittrich, L.; Stommel, M.; Wildemann, M.; Herold, J.; Spickenheuer, A.
A novel additive manufacturing process for multi-matrix fiber reinforced composites more
SAMPE Journal 59 (2023) 50-58
de Menezes, E. A. W.; Lisbôa, T. d. V.; Almeida Jr., J. H. S.; Spickenheuer, A.; Amico, S. C.; Marczak, R. J.
On the winding pattern influence for filament wound cylinders under axial compression, torsion, and internal pressure loads more
Thin-Walled Structures 191 (2023) 111041
Almeida Jr., J. H. S. ; Lisbôa, T.V. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; St-Pierre, L.
A sequential finite element model updating routine to identify creep parameters for filament wound composite cylinders in aggressive environments more
Computers and Structures 276 (2023) 106939
Bittrich, L. ; Seuffert, J. ; Dietrich, S. ; Uhlig, K. ; Lisboa, T. ; Kärger, L. ; Spickenheuer, A.
On the resin transfer molding (RTM) infiltration of fiber-reinforced composites made by tailored fiber placement more
Polymers 14 (2022) 4873
Lisbôa, T.V. ; Almeida Jr., J.H.S. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Stommel, M. ; Amico, S.C. ; Marczak, R.J.
FEM updating for damage modeling of composite cylinders under radial compression considering the winding pattern more
Thin-Walled Structures 173 (2022) 108954
Michel, S. ; Kurkowski, M. ; Summa, J. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Biermann, D. ; Stommel, M. ; Herrmann, H.-G.
FKV-Bohrrohre mit strukturintegrierter Sensorik more
wt Werkstattstechnik online 111 (2021) 846-850
Seuffert, J. ; Bittrich, L. ; de Oliveira, L. C. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Kärger, L.
Micro-scale permeability characterization of carbon fiber composites using micrograph volume elements more
Frontiers in Materials 8 (2021) Article Number: 745084
Roy, A. K. ; Faisal, S. N. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Scheffler, C. ; Wang, J. ; Harris, A. T. ; Minett, A. I. ; Islam, M. S.
Loading dependency of 2D MoS2 nanosheets in the capacitance of 3D hybrid microfibre-based energy storage devices more
Carbon Trends 5 (2021) 100097
Breuer, K. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Stommel, M.
Statistical analysis of mechanical stressing in short fiber reinforced composites by means of statistical and representative volume elements more
Fibers 9 (2021) 32
Plyusnin, A. ; He, J. ; Elschner, C. ; Nakamura, M. ; Kulkova, J. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Scheffler, C. ; Lassila, L. ; Moritz, N.
A polymer for application as a matrix phase in a concept of in situ curable bioresorbable bioactive load-bearing continuous fiber reinforced composite fracture fixation plates more
Molecules 26 (2021) 1256
Heilos, K. ; Uhlig, K. ; Hofmann, M. ; Spickenheuer, A.
Beanspruchungsgerecht verstärkte Vliesstoffe aus recycelten Carbonfasern more
TEXTILplus (2020) 18-20
Bartholomay, S. ; Wester, T.T.B. ; Perez-Becker, S. ; Konze, S. ; Hölling, M. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Peinke, J. ; Nayeri, C.N. ; Paschereit, O.P. ; Oberleithner, K.
Pressure based lift Elestimation and its application to feedforward load control employing trailing edge flaps more
Wind Energy Science (2020) 1-39
Lisbôa, T.V. ; Almeida Jr., J.H.S. ; Dalibor, I.H. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Marczak, R.J. ; Amico, S. C.
The role of winding pattern on filament wound composite cylinders under radial compression more
Polymer Composites 41 (2020) 2446-2454
Almeida Jr., J.H.S. ; Bittrich, L. ; Spickenheuer, A.
Improving the open-hole tension characteristics with variable-axial composite laminates: Optimization, progressive damage modeling and experimental observations more
Composites Science and Technology 185 (2020) ID107889
Breier, A. ; Guan, J. ; Spickenheuer, A.
Establishing an optical measuring method to determine the anisotropy of embroidered reinforcement structures more
MRS Advances 4 (2019) 1267-1274
Richter, E. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Bittrich, L. ; Uhlig, K. ; Heinrich, G.
Mechanical design of intersection points of tailored fiber placement made carbon fiber reinforced plastic truss-like structures more
Key Engineering Materials 809 (2019) 452-460
Almeida Jr., J.H.S. ; Bittrich, L. ; Jansen, E. ; Tita, V. ; Spickenheuer, A.
Buckling optimization of composite cylinders for axial compression: A design methodology considering a variable-axial fiber layout more
Composite Structures 222 (2019) ID110928
Hahn, J. ; Schulze-Tanzil, G. ; Schröpfer, M. ; Meyer, M. ; Gögele, C. ; Hoyer, M. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Heinrich, G. ; Breier, A.
Viscoelastic behavior of embroidered scaffolds for ACL tissue engineering made of PLA and P(LA-CL) after in vitro degradation more
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (2019) 4655
Uhlig, K. ; Bittrich, L. ; Spickenheuer, A. ; Almeida Jr., J.H.S.
Waviness and fiber volume content analysis in continuous carbon fiber reinforced plastics made by tailored fiber placement more
Composite Structures 222 (2019) ID110910