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Fields of Research
- Constitutive modeling of magnetoactive elastomer composites
- Non-classical continuum theories for modeling of nicro/nano-mechanical structures
- Thermo-mechanical analysis and design optimization of structures made of functionally graded materials
- 2021-present PhD student in MTM department at IPF Dresden
- 2018-2020 Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Applied Design at University of Guilan, Iran
- 2013-2017 Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at IAUN University, Iran
M. Roghani, D. Romeis, M. Saphiannikova, Effect of microstructure evolution on the mechanical behavior of magneto-active elastomers with different matrix stiffness. Soft Matter, 2023, 19 (33), 6387-6398
M. Roghani and H. Rouhi, Nonlinear stress-driven nonlocal formulation of Timoshenko beams made of FGMs, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2021, 33(2), pp.343-355.
R. Ansari, M. Faraji Oskouie, M. Roghani and H. Rouhi, Nonlinear analysis of laminated FG-GPLRC beams resting on an elastic foundation based on the two-phase stress-driven nonlocal model, Acta Mechanica, 2021, 232(6), pp.2183-2199.
J.J. Fesharaki and M. Roghani, Thermo-mechanical behavior of a functionally graded hollow cylinder with an elliptic hole, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2020, 42(1), pp.1-15.
J.J. Fesharaki and M. Roghani, Elastic behavior of functionally graded two tangled circles chamber, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2019, 5(4), pp.667-679.