
Publications Prof. Dr. Werner

  • Davydiuk, N.; Londhe, V.; Maitz, M.; Werner, C.; Fery, A.; Besford, Q. A. The interaction of glycogen nanoparticles with human blood more Nanoscale 17 (2025) 252-260
  • Habelt, B.; Afanasekov, D.; Schwarz, C.; Domanegg, K.; Kuchar, M.; Werner, C.; Minev, I. R.; Spanagel, R.; Meinhardt, M. W.; Bernhardt, N. Prefrontal electrophysiological biomarkers and mechanism-based drug effects in a rat model of alcohol addiction more Translational Psychiatry 14 (2024) 486
  • Seth, P.; Friedrichs, J.; Limasale, Y. D. P.; Fertala, N.; Freudenberg, U.; Zhang, Y.; Lampel, A.; Werner, C. Interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels with tunable viscoelasticity and proteolytic cleavability to direct stem cells in vitro more Advanced Healthcare Materials (2024) 2402656
  • Kühn, S.; Magno, V.; Zimmermann, R.; Limasale, Y. D. P.; Atallah, P. M.; Stoppa, A.; Männel, M. J.; Thiele, J.; Friedrichs, J.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C. Microgels with electrostatically controlled molecular affinity to direct morphogenesis more Advanced Materials (2024) 2409731
  • Limasale, Y. D. P.; Fusenig, M.; Samulowitz, M.; Atallah, P. M.; Sievers, J.; Dennison, N.; Freudenberg, U.; Friedrichs, J.; Werner, C. Glycosaminoglycan concentration and sulfation patterns of biohybrid polymer matrices direct microvascular network formation and stability more Advanced Functional Materials 34 (2024) 2411475
  • Magno, V.; Werner, C. Tissue-derived decellularized materials for biomedical applications more in: Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix: Biologically-Derived Materials / F. R. Maia, J. M. Oliveira, R. L. Reis (Eds.). Cham: Springer, 2024. 841-873; ISBN: 978-3-031-56362-1
  • Ullm, F.; Renner, A.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C.; Pompe, T. The influence of sulfation degree of glycosaminoglycan-functionalized 3D collagen I networks on cytokine profiles of in vitro macrophage–fibroblast cocultures more Gels 10 (2024) 450
  • Ludwig-Husemann, A.; Schertl, P.; Shrivastava, A.; Geckle, U.; Hafner, J.; Schaarschmidt, F.; Willenbacher, N.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C.; Lee-Thedieck, C. A multifunctional nanostructured hydrogel as a platform for deciphering niche interactions of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells more Advanced Healthcare Materials 13 (2024) 2304157
  • Hakami, A.; Narasimhan, K.; Comini, G.; Thiele, J.; Werner, C.; Dowd, E.; Newland, B. Cryogel microcarriers for sustained local delivery of growth factors to the brain more Journal of Controlled Release 369 (2024) 404-419
  • Dennison, N. R.; Fusenig, M.; Grönnert, L.; Maitz, M. F.; Ramirez Martinez, M. A.; Wobus, M.; Freudenberg, U.; Bornhäuser, M.; Friedrichs, J.; Westenskow, P. D.; Werner, C. Precision culture scaling to establish high-throughput vasculogenesis models more Advanced Healthcare Materials 13 (2024) 2400388
  • Helmecke, T.; Hahn, D.; Ruland, A.; Tsurkan, M. V.; Maitz, M. F.; Werner, C. Adsorbed polymer conjugates to adaptively inhibit blood coagulation activation by medical membranes more Journal of Controlled Release 368 (2024) 344-354
  • Helmecke, T.; Rose, I. I.; Tsurkan, M. V.; Roth, H.; Maitz, M. F.; Werner, C.; Wessling, M. Poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride)-copolymers blended in poly(ether sulfone) membranes as a platform for effective biomolecular surface functionalization more Journal of Membrane Science 689 (2024) 122050
  • Siddiqui, T.; Celikkaya, H.; Atasavum, Z. T.; Popova, S.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C.; Kizil, C. Three-dimensional biohybrid starPEG-heparin hydrogel cultures for modeling human neuronal development and Alzheimer's disease pathology more in: Alzheimer's Disease: Methods and Protocols / J. Chun (Ed.). New York: Humana Press, 2023. 159-170 (Methods in Molecular Biology; 2561); ISBN 978-1-0716-2654-2
  • Valtin, J.; Behrens, S.; Ruland, A.; Schmieder, F.; Sonntag, F.; Renner, L. D.; Maitz, M. F.; Werner, C. A new in vitro blood flow model for the realistic evaluation of antimicrobial surfaces more Advanced Healthcare Materials 12 (2023) 2301300
  • Sarangova, V.; Heller, C.; Ludwig, B.; Welzel, P.; Werner, C. Strategies to improve islet survival and function in macroencapsulation devices for the treatment of patients with type I diabetes more Transplantation 107 (2023) 30-30
  • Parichenko, A.; Choi, W.; Shin, S.; Schlecht, M.; Gutierrez, R.; Akbar, T. F.; Werner, C.; Lee, J.-S.; Ibarlucea, B.; Cuniberti, G. Hydrogel-Gated Silicon Nanotransistors for SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Detection in Physiological Ionic Strength more Advanced Materials Interfaces 10 (2023) 2300391
  • Sperling, C.; Maitz, M. F.; Körber, V.; Hänsel, S.; Werner, C. Advanced in vitro hemocompatibility assessment of biomaterials using a new flow incubation system more Biomaterials Advances 153 (2023) 213555
  • Voit, B.; Fery, A.; Stommel, M.; Sommer, J.-U.; Werner, C. 75 years of polymer research in Dresden more Journal of Polymer Science 61 (2023) 1705-1706 - Special Issue: 75 Years of Polymer Research in Dresden
  • Peng, Y.-H.; Hsiao, S. K.; Gupta, K.; Ruland, A.; Auernhammer, G. K.; Maitz, M. F.; Boye, S.; Lattner, J.; Gerri, C.; Honigmann, A.; Werner, C.; Krieg, E. Dynamic matrices with DNA-encoded viscoelasticity for cell and organoid culture more Nature Nanotechnology 18 (2023) 1463-1473
  • Siddiqui, T.; Cosacak, M. I.; Popova, S.; Bhattarai, P.; Yilmaz, E.; Lee, A. J.; Min, Y.; Wang, X.; Allen, M.; İş, Ö.; Atasavum, Z. T.; Rodriguez-Muela, N.; Vardarajan, B. N.; Flaherty, D.; Teich, A. F.; Santa-Maria, I.; Freudenberg, U.; Werner, C. et al. Nerve growth factor receptor (Ngfr) induces neurogenic plasticity by suppressing reactive astroglial Lcn2/Slc22a17 signaling in Alzheimer’s disease more npj Regenerative Medicine 8 (2023) 33
  • Silva, D. ; Schirmer, L. ; Pinho, T. S. ; Atallah, P. ; Cibrão, J. R. ; Lima, R. ; Afonso, J. ; B-Antunes, S. ; Marques, C. R. ; Dourado, J. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Sousa, R. A. ; Werner, C. ; Salgado, A. J. Sustained release of human adipose tissue stem cell secretome from star-shaped poly(ethylene glycol) glycosaminoglycan hydrogels promotes motor improvements after complete transection in spinal cord injury rat model more Advanced Healthcare Materials 12 (2023) 2202803
  • Friedrichs, J.; Helbig, R.; Hilsenbeck, J.; Pandey, P. R.; Sommer, J.-U.; Renner, L. D.; Pompe, T.; Werner, C. Entropic repulsion of cholesterol-containing layers counteracts bioadhesion more Nature 618 (2023) 733-739
  • Friedrichs, J.; Werner, C. Cholesterol can make surfaces non-stick more Nature - Research Briefings
  • Zimmermann, R. ; Nitschke, M. ; Magno, V. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Sockel, K. ; Stölzel, F. ; Wobus, M. ; Platzbecker, U. ; Werner, C. Discriminant principal component analysis of ToF-SIMS spectra for deciphering compositional differences of MSC-secreted extracellular matrices more Small Methods 7 (2023) 2201157
  • Freudenberg, U.; Atallah, P.; Sommer, J.-U.; Werner, C.; Ballauff, M. Analysis of the Binding of Cytokines to Highly Charged Polymer Networks more Macromolecular Bioscience 23 (2023) 2200561