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Carsten Werner (Dipl.-Chem., Würzburg; Dr. rer. nat., Dresden) is head of the Institute Biofunctional Polymer Materials within the Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials and Professor for Biofunctional Polymer Materials at the Technische Universität Dresden (Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden and Department of Chemistry and Food Chemistry).
- Immobilized Hyperbranched Glycoacrylate Films as Bioactive Supports more Macromolecular Bioscience 6 (2006) 658-666
- Adsorption-induced conformational changes of proteins onto ceramic particles: Differential scanning calorimetry and FTIR analysis more Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 299 (2006) 56-69
- Preparation and characterization of glycosylated maleic anhydride copolymer thin films more Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 284-285 (2006) 295-300
- Gene Expression Profiling of CD34+ Hematopoietic Cells Expanded in a Collagen I Matrix more Stem Cells 24 (2006) 494-500
- Electrokinetically controlled concentration gradients in micro-chambers in microluidic systems more Microfluidics and Nanofluodics 2 (2006) 141-153
- Hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions in the adsorption of fibronectin at maleic acid copolymer films more Journal of Physical Chemistry / B 110 (2006) 12119-12124
- Modulating Extracellular Matrix at Interfaces of Polymeric Materials more Springer 203/2006 (2006) 63-93
- Experiment and Modelling of Pattern Development During Fibronectin Nanofibril Formation more Biomaterialien 7 (2006) S1, 37
- Fibronectin Anchorage Strength Controls Endothelial Cell Morphology more Biomaterialien 7 (2006) S1, 73
- Mimicking the Niche - Adhesion of Hematopoietic Stem Cells onto Extracellular Matrix Coatings more Biomaterialien 7 (2006) S1,102
- Modulating Extracellular Matrix at Interfaces of Polymeric Materials more Biomaterialien 7 (2006) S1, 42
- Plasma polymerization of tetrafluoroethylene - towards CF2 dominated fluorocarbon films more e-Polymers : no. 006 (2006) 10 Seiten
- Hydrophilic, amphiphilic and thermo-responsive gels synthesized for biomedical applications more e-Polymers : (2006) 8 pages
- In vitro hemocompatibility of albumin-heparin multilayer coatings on polyethersulfone prepared by the layer-by-layer technique more Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 76 (2006) 681-689
- The microscopy cell (MicCell), a versatile modular flowthrough system for cell biology, biomaterial research, and nanotechnology more Microfluidics and Nanofluodics 2 (2006) 21-36
- Cellular and molecular events underlying the interaction of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells with mesenchymal stem cells more Blood 106 (2005) ID2309, 650a
- Fibronectin Fibril Pattern Displays the Force Balance of Cell-Matrix Adhesion more European Biophysics Journal 34 (2005) 1049-1056
- Bestimmung der Blutverträglichkeit von Materialoberflächen mit immobilisiertem Thrombininhibitor more Biomaterialien 6 (2005) 147-154
- Measurement and Interpretation of Electrokinetic Phenomena (IUPAC Technical Report) more Pure and Applied Chemistry 77 (2005) 1753-1805
- Physicochemical modulation of immobilised extracellular matrix more Woodhead Publishing Limited (2005) 475-509
- Functional Films of Maleic Anhydride Copolymers under Physiological Conditions more Macromolecular Bioscience 5 (2005) 890-895
- In vitro hemocompatibility of self-assembled monolayers displaying various functional groups more Biomaterials 26 (2005) 6547-6557
- Immobilization of an anticoagulant benzamidine derivative: Effect of spacer arms and carrier hydrophobicity on thrombin binding more Acta Biomaterialia 1 (2005) 441-449
- Characterization of Maleic Acid/Anhydride Copolymer Films by Low-Rate Dynamic Liquid-Fluid Contact Angle Measurements Using Axisymmetric Drop Shape Analysis more Langmuir 21 (2005) 6302-6307
- Covalent Immobilization of Cellulose Layers onto Maleic Anhydride Copolymer Thin Films more Biomacromolecules 6 (2005) 1628-1634