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Carsten Werner

Head of institute
+49 351 4658 531 +49 351 4658 533

Jana Renc

+49 351 4658 531 +49 351 4658 533

Sarah Deke

+49 351 4658 578 +49 351 4658 533


Carsten Werner (Dipl.-Chem., Würzburg; Dr. rer. nat., Dresden) is head of the Institute Biofunctional Polymer Materials within the Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials and Professor for Biofunctional Polymer Materials at the Technische Universität Dresden (Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden and Department of Chemistry and Food Chemistry).

ResearcherID: F-8127-2010


  • Cordeiro, A. L. ; Nitschke, M. ; Janke, A. ; Helbig, R. ; D'Souza, F. ; Donnelly, G. T. ; Willemsen, P. R. ; Werner, C. Fluorination of poly(dimethylsiloxane) surfaces by low pressure CF4 plasma - physicochemical and antifouling properties more eXPRESS Polymer Letters 3 (2009) 70-83
  • Cordeiro, A. L. ; Zschoche, St. ; Janke, A. ; Nitschke, M. ; Werner, C. Functionalization of poly(dimethylsiloxane) surfaces with maleic anhydride copolymer films more Langmuir 25 (2009) 1509-1517
  • Özyürek, Z. ; Franke, K. ; Nitschke, M. ; Schulze, R. ; Simon, F. ; Eichhorn, K.-J. ; Pompe, T. ; Werner, C. ; Voit, B. Sulfated glyco-block copolymers with specific receptor and growth factor binding to support cell adhesion and proliferation more Biomaterials 30 (2009) 1026-1035
  • Herklotz, M. ; Werner, C. ; Pompe, T. The impact of primary and secondary ligand coupling on extracellular matrix characteristics and formation of endothelial capillaries more Biomaterials 30 (2009) 35-44
  • Pompe, T. ; Werner, C. ; Worch, H. Biofunctionalization of titanium substrates using maleic anhydride copolymer films more Wiley-VCH (2008) Chapter 1, 106-110
  • Pompe, T. ; Herklotz, M. ; Werner, C. Endothelial cell morphology on functionalized microstructured titanium more Wiley-VCH (2008) Chapter 3, 239-242
  • Renner, L. ; Pompe, T. ; Werner, C. Electrostatic stretching of grafted maleic acid copolymer chains more eXPRESS Polymer Letters 3 (2008) 33-38
  • Werner, C. Nanomaterialien im Blut- und Gewebekontakt more Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 80 (2008) 1661-1670
  • Dukhin, St. ; Zimmermann, R. ; Werner, C. Charge density distribution at interfaces between polyelectrolyte layers and aqueous solutions - Experimental access and limitations of traditional electrokinetics more Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 328 (2008) 186-195
  • Götze, T. ; Valtink, M. ; Nitschke, M. ; Gramm, S. ; Hanke, T. ; Engelmann, K. ; Werner, C. Cultivation of an immortalized human corneal endothelial cell population and two distinct clonal subpopulations on thermo-responsive carriers more Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 246 (2008) 1575-1583
  • Lanfer, B. ; Freudenberg, U. ; Zimmermann, R. ; Stamov, D. ; Körber, V. ; Werner, C. Aligned fibrillar collagen matrices obtained by shear flow deposition more Biomaterials 29 (2008) 3888-3895
  • Alberti, K. ; Davey, R. ; Onishi, K. ; George, S. M. ; Salchert, K. ; Seib, P. ; Bornhäuser, M. ; Pompe, T. ; Nagy, A. ; Werner, C. ; Zandstra, P. W. Functional immobilization of signaling proteins enables control of stem cell fate more Nature Methods 5 (2008) 645-650
  • Renner, L. ; Osaki, T. ; Chiantia, S. ; Schwille, P. ; Pompe, T. ; Werner, C. Supported lipid bilayers on spacious and pH responsive polymer cushions with varied hydrophilicity more Journal of Physical Chemistry / B 112 (2008) 6373-6378
  • Valtink, M. ; Nitschke, M. ; Götze, T. ; Engelmann, K. ; Werner, C. Kultivierung transplantierbarer Zellverbände aus cornealem Endothel more Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden 57 (2008) 31-37
  • Voit, B. ; Gramm, S. ; Özyürek, Z. ; Werner, C. Control of cell adhesion and release by thermoresponsive PEG and glyco copolymer films more Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 98 (2008) 720-721
  • Werner, C. Interfacial phenomena of biomaterials more Springer Chapter 15 (2008) 299-318
  • Stamov, D. ; Grimmer, M. ; Salchert, K. ; Pompe, T. ; Werner, C. Heparin intercalation into reconstituted collagen I fibrils: Impact on growth kinetics and morphology more Biomaterials 29 (2008) 1-14
  • Kurth, I. ; Franke, K. ; Pompe, T. ; Bornhäuser, M. ; Werner, C. Haematopoietic stem cells within extracellular matric microcavities more Experimental Hematology 35 (2007) 59
  • Seib, P. ; Jing, D. ; Fierro, F. ; Müller, K. ; Werner, C. ; Bornhäuser, M. Role of entogenous BMPS in regulating osteogenic differentiation of multipotent mesenchymal strome cells more Onkologie 30 (2007) 53 (V53)
  • Zimmermann, R. ; Osaki, T. ; Gauglitz, G. ; Werner, C. Combined microslit electrokinetic measurements and reflectometric interference spectroscopy to study protein adsorption processes more Biointerphases 2 (2007) 159-164
  • Nitschke, M. ; Götze, T. ; Gramm, S. ; Werner, C. Detachment of human endothelial cell sheets from thermo-responsive poly(NiPAAm-co-DEGMA) carriers more eXPRESS Polymer Letters 1 (2007) 660-666
  • Werner, C. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Sperling, C. Current strategies towards hemocompatible coatings more Journal of Materials Chemistry 17 (2007) 3376-3384
  • Dukhin, St. ; Zimmermann, R. ; Werner, C. Electrophoresis of soft particles at high electrolyte concentrations: An interpretation by the Henry theory more Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 313 (2007) 676-679
  • Herklotz, M. ; Melamed, M. ; Trautmann, C. ; Nitschke, M. ; Pompe, T. ; Gast, F.-U. ; Howitz, S. ; Werner, C. Non-contact printing of proteins on reactive polymer surfaces: a novel route towards structured and graded cell culture carriers more Microfluidics and Nanofluodics 3 (2007) 629-633
  • Voit, B. ; Werner, C. ; Schmaljohann, D. ; Gramm, S. ; Nitschke, M. Stimuli-responsive polymer layers for advanced cell culture technologies more International Journal of Materials Research 98 (2007) 646-650