
Publications Dr. Renner

  • Schell, F.; Helbig, R.; Bouchard, F.; Zwahr, C.; Renner, L. D.; Lasagni, A. F. Embossed sub-micron DLIP and LIPSS textures on polypropylene delay surface colonization of Staphylococcus aureus more Materials Letters 379 (2025) 137722
  • Zheng, E. J.; Valeri, J. A.; Andrews, I. W.; Krishnan, A.; Bandyopadhyay, P.; Anahtar, M. N.; Herneisen, A.; Schulte, F.; Linnehan, B.; Wong, F.; Stokes, J. M.; Renner, L. D.; Lourido, S.; Collins, J. J. Discovery of antibiotics that selectively kill metabolically dormant bacteria more Cell Chemical Biology 31 (2024) 712-728
  • Wong, F.; Zheng, E. J.; Valeri, J. A.; Friedrichs, J.; Helbig, R.; Renner, L. D.; et al. Discovery of a structural class of antibiotics with explainable deep learning more Nature 626 (2024) 177-185
  • Valtin, J.; Behrens, S.; Ruland, A.; Schmieder, F.; Sonntag, F.; Renner, L. D.; Maitz, M. F.; Werner, C. A new in vitro blood flow model for the realistic evaluation of antimicrobial surfaces more Advanced Healthcare Materials 12 (2023) 2301300
  • Mao, W.; Renner, L. D.; Cornilleau, C.; de la Sierra-Gallay, I. L.; Afensiss, S.; Benlamara, S.; Ah-Seng, Y.; van Tilbeurgh, H.; Nessler, S.; Bertin, A.; Chastanet, A.; Carballido-Lopez, R. On the role of nucleotides and lipids in the polymerization of the actin homolog MreB from a Gram-positive bacterium more eLife 12 (2023) e84505
  • Oldewurtel, E. R.; Kitahara, Y.; Cordier, B.; Wheeler, R.; Özbayakal, G.; Brambilla, E.; Gomperts Boneca, I.; Renner, L. D.; van Teeffelen, Sven Cell envelope growth of Gram-negative bacteria proceeds independently of cell wall synthesis more The EMBO Journal 42 (2023) e112168
  • Schamberger, B.; Ziege, R.; Anselme, K.; […]; Renner, L. et al. Curvature in biological systems: its quantification, emergence, and implications across the scales more Advanced Materials 35 (2023) 2206110
  • Sikosana, M. ; Ruland, A. ; Werner, C. ; Renner, L. Combining microscopy assays of bacteria-surface interactions to better evaluate antimicrobial polymer coatings more Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88 (2022) e02241-21
  • Muniz, R. S. ; Campbell, P. C. ; Sladewski, T. E. ; Renner, L. ; de Graffenried, C. L. Revealing spatio-temporal dynamics with long-term trypanosomatid live-cell imaging more PLoS Pathogens 18 (2022) e1010218
  • Wong, F. ; Wilson, S. ; Helbig, R. ; Hegde, S. ; Aftenieva, O. ; Zheng, H. ; Liu, C. ; Pilizota, T. ; Garner, E. ; Amir, A. ; Renner, L. Understanding beta-lactam-induced lysis at the single-cell level more Frontiers in Microbiology 12 (2021) 712007
  • Ruland, A. ; Schenker, S. ; Schirmer, L. ; Friedrichs, J. ; Meinhardt, A. ; Schwartz, V. B. ; Kaiser, N. ; Konradi, R. ; MacDonald, W. ; Helmecke, T. ; Sikosana, M. ; Valtin, J. ; Hahn, D. ; Renner, L. ; Werner, C. ; Freudenberg, U. Amphiphilic copolymers for versatile, facile, and in situ tunable surface biofunctionalization more Advanced Materials 33 (2021) 2102489
  • Wong, F. ; Stokes, J. M. ; Cervantes, B. ; Penkov, S. ; Friedrichs, J. ; Renner, L. ; Collins, J.J. Cytoplasmic condensation induced by membrane damage is associated with antibiotic lethality more Nature Communications 12 (2021) 2321
  • Cordeiro, A. L. ; Rückel, M. ; Bartels, F. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Renner, L. ; Werner, C. Protein adsorption dynamics to polymer surfaces revisited—A multisystems approach more Biointerphases 14 (2019) 051005
  • Renner, L. Engineering bacterial shape using soft-matter microchambers more Current Protocols 11 (2019) e59
  • Schulz, S. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Hansel, S. ; Renner, L. ; Werner, C. Analyzing the antiseptic capacity of silver-functionalized poly(ethylene glycol)-heparin hydrogels after human whole blood exposure more Biomaterials Science 6 (2018) 1129-1139
  • Teeffelen, S. van ; Renner, L. Recent advances in understanding how rod-like bacteria stably maintain their cell shapes more F1000Research 241 (2018) ID29560261
  • Hussain, S. ; Wicagg, C. N. ; Szwedziak, P. ; Wong, F. ; Schaefer, K. ; Izore, T. ; Renner, L. ; Holmes, M. J. ; Sun, Y. ; Bisson-Filho, A. W. ; Walker, S. ; Amir, A. ; Lowe, J. ; Garner, E. MreB filaments align along greatest principal membrane curvature to orient cell wall synthesis more eLife 7 (2018) e32471
  • Rossmann, J. ; Renner, L. ; Oertel, R. ; El-Armouche, A. Post-column infusion of internal standard quantification for liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry analysis - Pharmaceuticals in urine as example approach more Journal of Chromatography / A 1535 (2018) 80-87
  • Eun, Y.-J. ; Ho, P.-Y. ; Kim, M. ; LaRussa, S. ; Robert, L. ; Renner, L. ; Schmid, A. ; Garner, E. ; Amir, A. Archaeal cells share common size control with bacteria despite noisier growth and division more Nature Microbiology 3 (2017) 148-154
  • Wong, F. ; Renner, L. ; Özbaykal, G. ; Paulose, J. ; Weibel, D. B. ; van Teefflen, S. ; Amir, A. Mechanical strain sensing implicated in cell shape recovery in escherichia coli more Nature Microbiology 2 (2017) ID17115
  • Renner, L. ; Zan, J. ; Hu, L. I. ; Martinez, M. ; Resto, J.P. ; Siegel, A. C. ; Torres, C. ; Hall, S. B. ; Slezak, T. R. ; Nguyen, T. H. ; Weibel, D. B. Detection of ESKAPE bacterial pathogens at the point-of care using isothermal DNA-based assays in a portable, de-gas microfluidic diagnostic assay platform more Environmental Microbiology 83 (2017) e02449-16
  • Rossmann, J.; Gurke, R. Renner, L.D.; Oertel, R.; Kirch, W. Evaluation of the matrix effect of different sample matrices for 33 pharmaceuticals by post-column infusion more Journal of Chromatography B 1000 (2015) 84-94
  • Gang, A. ; Gabernet, G. ; Renner, L. ; Baraban, L. ; Cuniberti, G. A simple two-step silane-based (bio-) receptor molecule immobilization without additional binding site passivation more RSC Advances 5 (2015) 35631-35634
  • Schmädicke, C.; Pötschke, M.; Renner, LD; Baraban, L.; Bobeth, M. Cuniberti, G. Copper nanowire synthesis by directed electrochemical nanowire assembly more RSC Advances 4 (2014) 46363-46368
  • Deutscher, L.; Renner, LD; Cuniberti, G. Flagella – Templates for the Synthesis of Metallic Nanowires more IFMBE Proceedings 41 (2014) 860-863