Excessive Inflammation Impairs Wound Healing
In chronic skin wounds, excessive inflammation significantly hinders the healing process by perpetuating a cycle of immune cell infiltration and pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion, which leads to tissue damage. There is currently no causative treatment for this condition.
Chronic wounds can have very serious consequences for patients, including pain, restricted mobility, social stigma, and, in severe cases, limb amputation. The ineffective and costly treatments required over long periods of time place an enormous burden on the healthcare system.
Advanced Materials To Treat Inflammatory Skin Diseases
Our ResCure® technology offers a solution: Extensive fundamental research has led to development of a unique polymer material that neutralizes inflammatory cytokines through selective electrostatic interactions. Together with experienced wound care specialists, we have customized this material to create ResCure® Dressing, a wound contact layer that resolves excessive inflammation. Preclinical studies in chronic wound models have shown that ResCure® Dressing outperforms the clinical gold standards Promogran1 and Adaptic2, accelerating wound healing by up to 50%.
Our proprietary, drug-free ResCure® technology has the potential to transform the treatment of chronic wounds and other diseases caused by excessive inflammation.
1. Lohmann, N. et al. Science Translational Medicine 9, eaai9044 (2017).
2. Schirmer, L., Atallah, P., Freudenberg, U. & Werner, C. Advanced Science 8, 2100293 (2021).