

Authors Sanwaria, S. ; Horechyy, A. ; Wolf, D. ; Chu, C.-Y ; Chen, H.-L. ; Formanek, P. ; Stamm, M. ; Srivastava, R. ; Nandan, B.
Title Helical packing of nanoparticles confined in cylindrical domains of a self-assembled block copolymer structure
Date 18.08.2014
Number 43462
Abstract Theoretical models predict that a variety of self-assembled structures of closely packed spherical particles may result when they are confined in a cylindrical domain. In the present work we demonstrate for the first time that the polymer-coated nanoparticles confined in the self-assembled cylindrical domains of a block copolymer pack in helical morphology, where we can isolate individual fibers filled with helically arranged nanoparticles. This finding provides unique possibilities for fundamental as well as application-oriented research in similar directions.
Publisher Angewandte Chemie - International Edition
Citation Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 53 (2014) 9090-9093
Tags block copolymers helical packing nanoobjects nanoparticles self-assembly

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