
Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Administrative Director Dr. A. Schausberger Scientific Director Prof. Dr. C. Werner GENERAL ASSEMBLY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chair Dr. T. Metje SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Chair Prof. Dr. M. Ballauff Macromolecular Chemistry Prof. Dr. B. Voit Physical Chemistry and Polymer Physics Prof. Dr. A. Fery Polymer Materials Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Stommel Biofunctional Polymer Materials Prof. Dr. C. Werner Theory of Polymers Prof. Dr. J.‐U. Sommer Central Services and Administration Dr. A. Schausberger Polymer Structures Prof. Dr. B. Voit Bioactive and Responsive Polymers Dr. J. Gaitzsch Functional Nanocomposites and Blends Prof. Dr. B. Voit Macromolecular Structure Analysis Prof. Dr. A. Lederer Functional Colloidal Materials Prof. Dr. A. Fery Nanostructured Materials Dr. P. Uhlmann Polymer Interfaces Dr. G. Auernhammer Multi-Scale Characterization Dr. U. Scheler Materials Engineering Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Stommel Processing Technology Dr.-Ing. I. Kühnert Elastomers Prof. Dr.-Ing. S. Wießner Biointerfaces Dr. J. Friedrichs Matrix and Tissue Engineering Dr.-Ing. U. Freudenberg Electronic Tissue Technologies Prof. Dr. I. R. Minev Soft Matter Theory and Polymer Physics Prof. Dr. J.-U. Sommer Material Theory and Modeling Dr. M. Grenzer Theory of Biologically Inspired Polymers Prof. Dr. A. Nikoubashman Finance and Controlling R. Lehmann Human Resources S. Otto Procurement and General Services N. N. Facility Management and Construction A. Hitzschke Information Technology U. Seltmann Research Technology V. Körber Executive Staff Association structures (Sub-)Institutes Departments led by a professor Departments Departments with limited disciplinary responsibility Administrative units