

Authors Chervanyov, A. ; Heinrich, G.
Title Polymer adsorption onto chemically non-uniform surfaces: Identifying major influence factors
Date 22.10.2008
Number 16085
Abstract We compared the adsorption-desorption diagrams calculated for polymers adsorbed from the semi-dilute solution onto different chemically non-uniform substrates, as follows: periodically patterned rigid surface; randomly patterned rigid surface; surface that bears an array of periodically distributed adsorption centers; different morphologies of the binary mixed brush. We developed two independent theoretical methods, the self-consistent perturbation expansion and the transfer operator formalism, which made it possible to thoroughly investigate the density structure of polymers adsorbed onto the chemically non-uniform substrates. By comparing the results obtained by these two independent methods we derived the qualitative trends that are common for the polymer adsorption onto the above chemically non-uniform substrates. The obtained information has been used, in particular, to investigate the polymer adsorption onto different morphologies of the responsive binary brush, the representative substrate that comprises the main features of the soft and chemically patterned adsorbing surfaces. The obtained theoretical results have been shown to be of relevance to a variety of practical systems discussed in the talk.
Publisher Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering
Citation Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 99 (2008)

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