

Authors Fuchs, B. ; Scheler, U.
Title Branching and Cross-Linking in Radiation-Modified Poly(tetrafluoroethylene): A Solid-State NMR Investigation
Date 31.12.2000
Number 8710
Abstract Fluoropolymers exhibit a number of favorable properties such as high-temperature stability,chemical resistivity, and a low surface energy. However, the possibility to incorporate fluoropolymersinto other materials is limited because of the low surface energy. Modification procedures such as radiationmodification can be applied to overcome these difficulties. High-resolution fluorine-19 solid-state NMRusing high-speed magic-angle sample spinning has been applied to investigate the structural changesresulting from irradiation of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) with high-energy electrons under vacuum.PTFE irradiated at room temperature mainly shows chain scission. PTFE irradiated at high temperatures,above the melting point, under vacuum, however, contains branches as well as cross-links. Evidence forcross-links in this material is derived from structural information. A quantitative analysis of the data isused to establish the density of side groups and branches. The excess of branches to end groups isinterpreted as cross-links.
Publisher Macromolecules
Citation Macromolecules 33 (2000) 120-124

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