

Authors Metsch, P. ; Schmidt, H. ; Sindersberger, D. ; Kalina, K. A. ; Brummund, J. ; Auernhammer, G. ; Monkman, A.P. ; Kästner, M.
Title Field-induced interactions in magneto-active elastomers-A comparison of experiments and simulations
Date 10.08.2020
Number 58781
Abstract In this contribution, field-induced interactions of magnetizable particles embedded into a soft elastomer matrix are analyzed with regard to the resulting mechanical deformations. By comparing experiments for two-, three- and four-particle systems with the results of finite element simulations, a fully coupled continuum model for magneto-active elastomers is validated with the help of real data for the first time. The model under consideration permits the investigation of magneto-active elastomers with arbitrary particle distances, shapes and volume fractions as well as magnetic and mechanical properties of the individual constituents. It thus represents a basis for future studies on more complex, realistic systems. Our results show a very good agreement between experiments and numerical simulations—the deformation behavior of all systems is captured by the model qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Within a sensitivity analysis, the influence of the initial particle positions on the systems response is examined. Furthermore, a comparison of the full three-dimensional model with the often used, simplified two-dimensional approach shows the typical overestimation of resulting interactions in magneto-active elastomers.
Publisher Smart Materials and Structures
Citation Smart Materials and Structures 29 (2020) 085026

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