

Authors Farshchi, N. ; Abbasian, A. ; Larijani, K.
Title Is inverse gas chromatography (IGC) a convenient method to determine compatibility of rubber materials?
Date 01.11.2019
Number 57823
Abstract Compatibility is a key factor in formulation of polymeric compounds. Having sufficient data about solubility of components may help to create novel engineered materials. Solubility parameter has been used as a tool for predicting the compatibility of materials. In this study, the solubility parameter of natural rubber and styrene–butadiene rubber is determined through inverse gas chromatography. The 3D solubility parameter sphere for each rubber has been depicted using three components of the Hansen solubility parameter. In addition, the reliability of the procedure has been confirmed through scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) spectra of samples. Results demonstrate NR and SBR solubility parameters to be 23.58 and 21.98 (J/cm3)0.5 at room temperature. Also, this study aimed to verify if the inverse gas chromatography method is a reliable method to be used in polymer industries as a prediction tool before compounding. Finally, results confirmed that inverse gas chromatography is a promising method in the field of rubbers.
Publisher Chromatographia
Citation Chromatographia 82 (2019) 1709-1719

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