

Authors Esteki, B. ; Garmabi, H. ; Saeb, M. R. ; Hoffmann, T.
Title The crystallinity behavior of polyethylene/Clay nanocomposites under the influence of water-assisted melt blending
Date 07.11.2013
Number 40722
Abstract High-density polyethylene(HDPE)/clay nanocomposites were prepared viawater-assisted and conventional melt blending. The influence of exfoliated/intercalated domain son crystallinity of nanocomposites was then investigated. X-ray diffractionand electron microscopy evidenced for enhanced intercalation and partial exfoliation of clay platelets pursuing rheological measurements. The methane permeability of water-injected nanocompositeswas lower compared to melt-blended specimens implying the influence of intercalated domains. A theoretical/experimental analysis was performed to roughly determine the lamellar thickness distribution of the crystalline regions. Contribution of clay platelets to crystallization mechanisms was indicative of clay impact as heterogeneous nucleating agent, whereas mechanical properties were dependent on interface situation.
Publisher Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering
Citation Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 52 (2013) 1626-1636
Tags crystallinity exfoliation intercalation polyethylene/clay water-assisted blending

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