

Authors Bagusat, F. ; P. Schiller, O. Seidel, T. Zehl, H.-J. Mögel
Title Optical detection of shear induced structure changes in concentrated suspensions
Date 28.03.2003
Number 300
Abstract Several concentrated aqueous suspensions with kaolin, alumina or limestone as disperse phase show a particular non-Newtonian time dependent flow behavior. The apparent viscosity oscillates with time at constant shear rate. The oscillation period can range between a few minutes and 2 h. This behavior is assumed to be caused by shear induced structure changes. In order to detect these structure changes we have applied a fiber optical system for measuring the intensity of laser light reflected from a small part of the sheared suspension. We have found a correlation between the optical signal and the viscosity oscillations. © 2007 Elsevier B.V.
Publisher Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Citation Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 215 (2003) 131-136

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