

Authors M. Lang, W. Michalke, S. Kreitmeier
Title Optimized decomposition of simulated polymer networks into meshes
Date 21.03.2001
Number 2111
Abstract An algorithm is introduced which decomposes simulated polymer networks into meshes in order to permit an analysis of the entanglements of the network. The decomposition process intends to obtain the set of meshes most active during the deformation process. Optimizing both the choice of the spanning tree of the network and the order of adding chains to the tree, a decomposition is obtained, which only contains the smallest meshes necessary. By applying it to simulated networks it is found that, especially for statistical networks, an optimization process is necessary to perform a valid entanglement analysis.
Publisher Macromolecular Theory and Simulations
Citation Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 10 (2001) 204-208

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