

Authors Bocharova, V. ; Kiriy, A. ; Stamm, M. ; Stoffelbach, F. ; Jérome, R. ; Detrembleur, C.
Title Simple Method for the Stretching and Alignment of Single Adsorbed Synthetic Polycations
Date 09.06.2006
Number 14138
Abstract Spin-coating of isolated positively charged macromolecules onto mica in the presence of octylamine was found to be a simple and general method of stretching and aligning the macromolecular chains. The contour length and molar mass for the stretched macromolecules can be directly measured by atomic force microscopy, which makes this method a very useful analytical tool. Moreover, the molecular height is increased by co-deposition with octylamine, which drastically improves the molecular resolution and allows even ultrathin polycations to be visualized. The reason for the key role of the octylamine is found in the formation of an ultrathin liquidlike alkylamine film, which reduces the surface energy of mica and weakens the interactions between the surface and the charged macromolecules.
Publisher Small
Citation Small 2 (2006) 910-916
Tags atomic force microscopy macromolecules molecular wires polycations single-molecule studies atomic-force microscopy polyelectrolyte molecules polymer-chains dna transition globule mica nanoparticles conformation manipulation

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